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FastTrack-Friendly QoS Script

Добавлено: 29 июн 2022, 12:06

Код: Выделить всё

# this is based on IntrusDave's QoS script, but modified
# qosClasses are largely based on Cisco Wireless QoS mappings/guide

#Set outbound (WAN) interface here
:local outboundInterface "ether1"

#Set UPLOAD bandwidth of the outbound (WAN) interface
:local outInterfaceBandwidth 4900k

#Set inbound (LAN) interface here
:local inboundInterface "bridge"

#Set DOWNLOAD bandwidth of the outbound (WAN) interface
:local inInterfaceBandwidth 34500k

#Set type of queue here
:local queueType wireless-default

#Set where in the chain the packets should be mangled
:local mangleChain postrouting

#Don't mess with these. They set the parameters for what is to follow
:local queueName ("QoS_" . $outboundInterface)
:local inQueueName ("QoS_" . $inboundInterface)
# qosClasses from highest to lowest priority
:local qosClasses [:toarray "Network Control (Top Priority),Internetwork Control (High Priority),Voice (Medium-High Priority),Interactive Video (Medium Priority),Critical Data or Call Signaling (Medium-Low Priority),Best Effort (Low Priority),Background (Very Low Priority),Scavenger (Bottom Priority)"]
# maps queue priorities from highest to lowest to IP precedence values
:local priorityToIpPrecedenceMappings [:toarray "7,6,5,4,3,0,2,1"]
# queue priority used for best effort traffic (IP precedence 0)
:local beQueuePriority 6

/ip firewall mangle add action=set-priority \
   chain=postrouting new-priority=from-dscp-high-3-bits \
   passthrough=yes comment="Respect DSCP tagging"
/ip firewall mangle add action=set-priority \
   chain=postrouting new-priority=6 packet-size=0-123 \
   passthrough=yes protocol=tcp tcp-flags=ack comment="Prioritize ACKs"
/ip firewall mangle add action=accept \
   chain=postrouting priority=0 \
   comment="IP Precedence (aka Packet Priority) 0 - Best Effort (Low Priority) (default)"

:for indexA from 1 to 7 do={
    :local qosIndex (7-$indexA)
    # skip best effort in list
    :if ($indexA <= (8-$beQueuePriority)) do={ :set qosIndex (8-$indexA) }
    :local subClass ([:pick $qosClasses $qosIndex] )
    /ip firewall mangle add action=mark-packet chain=$mangleChain comment=("IP Precedence (aka Packet Priority) " . $indexA . " - " . $subClass . " (apply packet mark ip_precedence_" . $indexA . ")") \
         disabled=no priority=($indexA) new-packet-mark=("ip_precedence_" . $indexA) passthrough=no

:if ([/system package find name=ipv6 disabled=no] = "") do={
    :log info "IPv6 package is not installed - skipping IPv6 mangle rules";
} else={

   :for dscpValue from 0 to 7 do={
   /ipv6 firewall mangle add action=accept \
      chain=postrouting dscp=$dscpValue \
      comment="IP Precedence 0 (DSCP $dscpValue) - Best Effort (Low Priority) (default)"

   :for indexA from 1 to 7 do={
       :local qosIndex (7-$indexA)
       # skip best effort in list
       :if ($indexA <= (8-$beQueuePriority)) do={ :set qosIndex (8-$indexA) }
       :local subClass ([:pick $qosClasses $qosIndex] )
       :for dscpValue from ($indexA*8) to (($indexA*8)+7) do={
       /ipv6 firewall mangle add action=mark-packet chain=$mangleChain comment=("IP Precedence " . $indexA . " (DSCP " . $dscpValue . ") - " . $subClass . " (apply packet mark ip_precedence_" . $indexA . ")") \
            disabled=no dscp=$dscpValue new-packet-mark=("ip_precedence_" . $indexA) passthrough=no


/queue tree add max-limit=$outInterfaceBandwidth name=$queueName parent=$outboundInterface comment="Uplink QoS" queue=$queueType
:for queuePriority from=1 to=8 do={
   :local qosIndex ($queuePriority-1)
   :local subClass ([:pick $qosClasses $qosIndex] )
   :local ipPrecedence ([:pick $priorityToIpPrecedenceMappings $qosIndex])
   :local ipPrecedenceMark ("ip_precedence_" . $ipPrecedence)
   :if ($ipPrecedence = "0") do={ :set ipPrecedenceMark ("no-mark") }
   /queue tree add \ 
      name=("IP Precedence " . $ipPrecedence . ". " . $subClass . " - " . $outboundInterface ) \
      parent=$queueName \
      priority=($queuePriority) \
      queue=$queueType \
      packet-mark=$ipPrecedenceMark \
      comment=("Queue Priority " . $queuePriority)

/queue tree add max-limit=$inInterfaceBandwidth name=$inQueueName parent=$inboundInterface comment="Downlink QoS" queue=$queueType
:for queuePriority from=1 to=8 do={
   :local qosIndex ($queuePriority-1)
   :local subClass ([:pick $qosClasses $qosIndex] )
   :local ipPrecedence ([:pick $priorityToIpPrecedenceMappings $qosIndex])
   :local ipPrecedenceMark ("ip_precedence_" . $ipPrecedence)
   :if ($ipPrecedence = "0") do={ :set ipPrecedenceMark ("no-mark") }
   /queue tree add \ 
      name=("IP Precedence " . $ipPrecedence . ". " . $subClass . " - " . $inboundInterface ) \
      parent=$inQueueName \
      priority=($queuePriority) \
      queue=$queueType \
      packet-mark=$ipPrecedenceMark \
      comment=("Queue Priority " . $queuePriority)